There are definite benefits to being the only girl in the family. Not only was I the only girl but I was also the oldest of the five children. There were two years and two months between my oldest brother and myself. That meant that I had Daddy all to myself until Don came along. I followed him everywhere. I talked to him like most little girls would talk to their toys and I was the apple of his eye. I remember those strong arms holding me close and Daddy's voice, normally so booming and strong, would become soft and low as he called me "Daddy's little girl". Very often I would lay my head on his shoulder and fall fast asleep. The above photo shows me with Daddy at age two, held tightly by my hero. I always felt so safe with Daddy---I still do. I love him so very much.
I suppose my idea of God as my Heavenly father relates a great deal to my own earthly father. When Daddy preached about God's love for us, His children, I could understand because I had seen a father's love in action. I could understand what it meant to have a Heavenly father who would never leave us or forsake us. Daddy stood with all five of his children. Even when he didn't agree with what we had said or done, he never let go of us--he was always there. Now by no means do I mean to imply that my Daddy is equal with God. What I am saying is that he was such a wonderful father that my idea of God was molded by his actions. Daddy is quite a man.
I have always felt so secure with God. I have never felt abandoned or unloved by the God I love and serve. He is my rock and my shield. He guards me from the enemy's snares and guides every step I take. He leads me by the hand when the way is dark and walks by my side when all is well. He holds me close when I am afraid and protects me when danger is near. I lean on Him without fear or dread knowing He is ever present.
When I gave my heart to the Lord at the age of fourteen, Daddy was there. Later, he baptized me and prayed with me when I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit. He taught me to love the Scriptures and he told me I could talk to God just like I talk to Him. My Heavenly father and I have a deep relationship because of the influence of my earthly father.
Daddy just turned 79. He is as sharp as a tack and still spends most of his day in reading the scriptures and preaching to anyone who will listen. I still thrill to the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand. It has been my priviledge to be his daughter.
I just know that when I stand before my God, and finally see Him face to face, it will be the greatest joy I have ever known. To look upon the face of the Father I have loved and served, yet never seen, will be the thrill of a lifetime. I long to be able to be alone with God and thank Him for all He has done--for loving me, for being patient with me, for forgiving me, for never leaving me, and for giving me an eternal home in His kingdom. Most of all I want to thank Him for choosing a humble, loving man to be my earthly father. I want to feel the arms of God, my Heavenly father, wrap around me and say, "Well done, Daddy's little girl. Enter in to the joy of the Lord.".
In Grace,
YOu are just precious....
ReplyDeletesister in Christ and fellow pastors kid
I love to read all of your posts. But, I surely need to find the time to read them when I don't want to mess up my make-up! I just new the second that I was "Blog Hopping" (that's what I call it) that I wanted to add you to my list to follow and also send you to Tammy (not post above)Thank you for your posts...don't stop!