My friend, Susan (on the left), with her sister, Vicki.
My pastor's wife, Susan, is a great lady. Not only does she have the best sense of humor ever, but she is kind, loyal, and dearly loves the Lord. I always look forward to spending time with her and enjoying her bright personality. Susan is such a positive thinker, seeing the good things in life and always, always, always, offering a word of encouragement for every endeavor. She has been my biggest cheerleader and my dearest friend.
She does have a funny side, however. For instance, last fall Susan and I had lunch with a dear friend of ours who was visiting from out of town. We had a wonderful time of laughter and fellowship. Later, in the parking lot, I spotted Susan's car and walked in that direction. Suddenly, I heard Susan's voice behind me, "Oh, man. Look what someone did to my car. There is a huge scratch on my bumper.". Since I had Susan's car, a Camry, in view, I knew the car she was talking about was not hers. In addition, our friend was trying her best to open the door of the wrong car. I said, "Susan, S-A-T-U-R-N does not spell Camry. This is not your car.". I started laughing so hysterically as our friend said, "Oh my gosh, I'm trying to get in the wrong car.". That's simply Susan.
Last summer, Susan had visitors in her home for about a week. They cleaned her garage and cared for the yard and flowers during their visit. Everything was so nice and neat when they were finished. The next morning, Susan left for work---at least we thought she did. She came back into the house and said to her husband, "Mike, someone has stolen my car. It's not in the driveway.". Of course, Mike goes quickly to the garage, only to find the car sitting right where Susan had parked it the night before. Not being accustomed to having her car inside, Susan walked past her car in the garage, did not see it in the driveway, and walked past it a second time to come and tell her husband her car was stolen. I laughed so hard I could hardly catch my breath. That's simply Susan.
As funny as Susan can be, it is her tremendous love for the Lord that defines her. She is our Praise and Worship leader and does so with enthusiasm and great joy. There are times when I watch her sing and there is a smile on her face. Praising God is what Susan does best. Her love for Him is infectious and you cannot be around her long before you discover it for yourself. She is so secure in her faith---it permeates every corner of her life. The joy of the Lord is her greatest strength and she shares that strength with all of us.
I recall a time a couple of years ago when I was at a very low point in life. I needed Susan's encouragement so desperately. I was, however, quite unprepared for what she said. As I sat in her beautiful home, drinking coffee with her, she said, "Just how does what you are going through have anything to do with how great God is?". Talk about perspective, I got it then and there. I realized that, no matter what I was going through, none of it had anything to do with the greatness of God and what He could do in my life. God was as great as ever. Nothing that could happen to me could undo the greatness of the God I serve. Such are the words of a true friend.
I have heard Susan laugh until she could hardly breathe. I have heard her pray for people, calling each individual name in prayer. I have seen her rejoice at the success of others with no jealousy over their accomplishments. I have seen her tears when she observes the pain of others. She doesn't complain, she doesn't compete, she doesn't envy. She looks at every day as an opportunity to do something good for her Lord. The picture above is one of Susan and her sister, Vicki. I used it because it shows Susan's bright and joyful spirit. It shows her enjoying life.
My friend is not perfect. But then, neither am I. We each have our share of faults and shortcomings---that's why we need the Lord. I cannot imagine a life without Susan in it. She is my friend, my mentor, my cheerleader. She stands with me and helps me face life unafraid. She is a great lady. She is, quite simply, Susan.
In Grace,